Title: With Regard to Laser-Modified Rutherford Scattering
Abstract: We present a theoretical analysis of the Coulomb potential’s ability to scatter charged particles in the presence of laser light. Our recently created nonperturbative parabolic quasi-Sturmian method is used to solve the system of coupled Lippmann-Schwinger-Floquet equations in the Kramers-Henneberger frame in order to investigate the impact of a laser field. In the case of a laser-assisted electron-proton scattering process, we calculate the ratio of multiphoton differential cross sections to the Rutherford cross section. When our findings are compared to predictions made by the analytical approximations Bunkin-Fedorov, Kroll-Watson, and Coulomb-Volkov, significant discrepancies are discovered for different net numbers of exchanged photons and various laser-field polarization vector orientations. Our results unequivocally show that those well-known approximations for describing laser-modified Rutherford scattering processes are inadequate.
Keywords: Rutherford scattering; Coulomb potential; laser field; laser-modified electron scattering
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Physics
Subject Category: Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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