
Research Paper on WhatsApp’s effects on students’ schoolwriting and spelling among Dutch youth

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Research Paper on WhatsApp’s effects on students’ schoolwriting and spelling among Dutch youth

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Title: WhatsApp’s effects on students’ schoolwriting and spelling among Dutch youth

Abstract: This investigation aims to find the answer to whether or not the increasing prevalence of computer-mediated communication (CMC) and the use of slang and other non-standard forms of written language within CMC makes it more difficult for younger generations to acquire reading and writing skills. An investigation into the extent to which social media use affects young people’s academic writing in the Netherlands was the focus of an experiment that was carried out with the participation of five hundred students who ranged in age and educational background. The experiment was designed to investigate the extent to which social media use affects young people’s academic writing in the Netherlands. The objective of the experiment was to ascertain the extent to which participation in activities related to social media influences behavior. An inquiry was carried out to investigate whether or not the fact that adolescents communicate with one another through the use of the messaging program WhatsApp had any direct influence on how well they fared on a narrative writing assignment. In the context of a grammaticality evaluation assignment, this was specifically examined in terms of the writing quality and spelling and their ability to recognize and rectify deviations from the standard language. In addition, the correctness of this sentence’s grammar was evaluated in the context of the overall conditions. The use of WhatsApp had a direct impact on the story writing assignment. However, it primarily manifested itself in how the participants spelled the names of the characters they created for their own stories. This restriction is an indirect result of the influence being solely exerted on the participants’ spelling, but it is still a constraint nevertheless. Compared to compare works produced by young people who had not been primed with WhatsApp before beginning the writing activity, the works produced by young people who had just been primed with WhatsApp before beginning the writing activity contained significantly significant misspelled words. The results of this study show that there is no reason to be concerned about a detrimental transfer of writing abilities from the use of social media to academic writing because the findings show that there was no such transfer. The findings also show that there is no need to be concerned about a transfer of writing abilities. As a direct result, there is no basis for having such anxieties. Given the inquiry results, one can draw this conclusion as a logical conclusion from those findings. Even if nothing else came from it, using CMC may give young people increased orthographic awareness, leading to advances in their spelling abilities. This is true even if nothing else were to come from it.

Keywords: Because of advancements in technology such as computers, social media platforms, messaging services like WhatsApp, writing, and precise spelling, people are now able to communicate more efficiently than they ever have before.

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Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper

Subject: ELT – English Language Teaching

Writer Experience: 20+ Years

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