
Research paper on Viral Complicatency

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Research paper on Viral Complicatency

1 in stock


Title: Viral Complicatency

Abstract: Although viruses have historically been thought of as being streamlined and straightforward, research over the past century has shown that they can actually have surprisingly complex physical structures, genomic organization, ecological interactions, and evolutionary histories. The physical size and length of viruses’ genomes can exceed those of many cellular lineages, and their infection strategies can involve a remarkable amount of physiological remodeling in their host cells. In the virosphere, viral communication and widespread hyperparasitism have been observed, illustrating how dynamic ecological interactions frequently determine the success of these organisms. Additionally, the evolutionary histories of viruses are frequently complicated, with chimeric genomes containing genes derived from a variety of different sources or evolving from scratch. Several facets of this viral complexity will be covered in this article, with a focus on large DNA viruses, along with a research outlook.

Keywords: viral diversity; giant viruses; jumbo bacteriophages; DNA viruses; virocell

Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper

Subject: Biomolecules

Writer Experience: 20+ Years

Plagiarism Report: Turnitin Plagiarism Report will be less than 10%

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