
Research Paper on Using the Financial Assets Matrix, countries’ financial development is evaluated.

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Research Paper on Using the Financial Assets Matrix, countries’ financial development is evaluated.

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Title: Using the Financial Assets Matrix, countries’ financial development is evaluated.

Abstract: The robustness and effectiveness of government decision-making can be increased by developing an adequate system of indicators to evaluate the financial development of nations and its practical application. This essay seeks to develop such a system. Structured system, comparative, matrix, and gap analysis techniques were used in the study. A matrix system of indicators for evaluating a country’s financial development is the study’s main finding. Based on a matrix of all financial assets, this indicator system. Indicators of the level of financial development of nations overall, in relation to financial instruments and economic sectors, were calculated using components of the financial assets matrix in relation to the population. A relatively new approach to measuring financial development is the simultaneous recording of financial assets across the full spectrum of financial instruments and economic sectors, as well as their interactions. The study generated criteria for the qualitative evaluation of a country’s level of financial development. On current and potential members of the OECD (OECD+), testing of the developed matrix system of indicators and criteria for financial development was done for the 2018–2019 period. As part of the testing, the financial development of the examined countries was determined, along with their rankings and global positions. In terms of different financial assets (instruments) and economic sectors, a structural analysis of the financial development of OECD+ countries was done. The financial development of Italy has some promising areas. The test results proved that the developed criteria and indicator matrix system are an accurate and practical tool for determining a country’s level of financial development. Their use allows for the analysis of financial development to be more complex and of higher quality, and it also creates a foundation for the development of evidence-based, practical decisions for national strategic documents.

Keywords: financial development; financial development indicators; financial development analysis; financial development strategy

Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper

Subject: Economics

Writer Experience: 20+ Years

Plagiarism Report: Turnitin Plagiarism Report will be less than 10%

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