Title: Using Mutual-Individual Factor Analysis to Standardize Near-Infrared Spectra Using Water as a Probe
Abstract: Since different instruments are typically used, the standardization of near-infrared (NIR) spectra is crucial in practical applications. However, a number of alterations, including those to the instruments, testing settings, and sample compositions, make standardization difficult. In this work, a two-step standardization method known as mutual-individual factor analysis was introduced in order to explain the spectral changes brought on by the various perturbations (MIFA). The spectral data from a water spectral region was gradually split into mutual and individual components by taking advantage of a water probe’s sensitivity to perturbations. With knowledge of aquaphotomics, it can be discovered that the mutual part described the overall spectral characteristics of the instruments, whereas the individual part illustrated the distinction of component structural changes in the sample brought on by operation and measurement conditions. Additionally, the coefficients in both parts adjusted the spectral difference. Two NIR datasets of corn and wheat, respectively, were used to evaluate the method’s efficacy. The outcomes demonstrated that the partial least squares (PLS) models constructed using the spectra from the reference instrument can successfully predict the standardized spectra. As a result, when measurements are impacted by a variety of factors, the MIFA offers a workable solution to standardize the spectra obtained from several instruments.
Keywords: water probe; mutual–individual factor analysis; calibration transfer; aquaphotomics; near infrared spectroscopy
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Chemistry
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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