Title: Using a Mixed-Methods Approach, Understanding Antibiotic Usage on Small-Scale Dairy Farms in the Indian States of Assam and Haryana— Results and Difficulties
Abstract: Antibiotic use and abuse in both humans and animals is a factor in the global spread of bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics (AMR), posing a risk to the general public’s health and infection control. India currently produces the most milk in the world, but the use of antibiotics in the dairy industry is not well regulated. There is little information available about the use of antibiotics on dairy farms, particularly small-scale dairy farms in India. A study was conducted using a mixed method approach on 491 small-scale dairy farms in the Indian states of Assam and Haryana to fill in this information gap. Farmers were interviewed, farms were examined for the presence of antibiotics, and milk samples were collected to determine antibiotic usage. Only 10% (95% CI 8-13%) of farmers surveyed confirmed using antibiotics in their dairy herds over the previous 12 months, which indicates that antibiotic use on farms is relatively low. Only 8% (6–11%) of the arms studied had milk samples that were found to contain antibiotic residues, specifically from the novobiocin, macrolides, and sulphonamide classes of antibiotics. Only 2% (0.8–3%) of the farmers polled had heard of the term “withdrawal period,” and 53% (40–65%) couldn’t define the word “antibiotic.” While this study clearly demonstrates that small-scale dairy farmers lack knowledge about antibiotics, which is a potential contributor to the emergence of AMR bacteria, it also demonstrates that antibiotic usage on these farms is low and that the potential contribution of these farmers to the emergence of AMR may be overestimated.
Keywords: antibiotic usage; smallholder dairy; India; KAP; residues in milk; farm inspection;farmer misconceptions
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Antibiotics
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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