Title: Two-Electron Quantum Dot Radial and Angular Electron Ejection Patterns in THz Fields
Abstract: In this study, we develop and apply an ab-initio method to determine the joint radial- and angular electron distributions that result from the interaction of two-electron spherical quantum dots (QD) with powerful terahertz pulses of subpicosecond duration. We could study two distinct ionization mechanisms—the direct and the sequential two-photon double ionization—by applying the method to two QDs of different sizes. Our findings indicate that while the radial distributions associated with the two ionization mechanisms are clearly different and are related to their combined kinetic energy spectrum, the two ionization mechanisms exhibit some similarity in the angular distribution patterns. Additionally, we cover the temporal evolution of the ionization process in relation to the various electron-electron correlation interactions and QD interactions with external radiation.
Keywords: ab-initio; multiphoton ionisation; radial distributions; angular distributions; configuration interaction
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Physics
Subject Category: Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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