Title: TOR and PKA Signaling Interaction in S. cerevisiae
Abstract: The two main pathways used by S. cerevisiae to sense nutrients for growth regulation are TOR and PKA signaling. Several experimental results showed a close connection between these pathways: Both react to the presence of glucose. Both repress autophagy and the cellular stress response while regulating ribosome production at the transcriptional level. It is believed that Sch9, a key downstream effector of TORC1, and PKA share a kinase consensus motif. Genetic rescue and synthetic defects between PKA and Sch9 have long been known. Additionally, research from the first ten years of this century suggests that TORC1 directly regulates PKA. However, the relative importance of potential direct cross-talk vs. potential target sharing between the pathways is still up for debate. Furthermore, contrary to previous findings, the two pathways are antagonistic to one another. I examine the relationship between TOR and PKA signaling in this review, primarily by concentrating on proteins that are frequently referred to as shared TOR and PKA targets. A large portion of the major transcriptional responses elicited by TOR and PKA upon nutrient shifts are explained by the majority of these proteins, which are transcription factors. I investigate the proof that these proteins are indeed direct targets of both pathways as well as the elements of their regulation that TOR and PKA are interested in. I further investigate whether they are phosphorylated by PKA and Sch9 on shared sites, or whether experimental results suggest that the PP2ASit4/PP2A branch downstream of TORC1 is responsible for their regulation. I conclude by analyzing data that points to a potential mechanism and direct cross-talk between the pathways.
Keywords: TOR; PKA; signaling pathway interaction; kinase; substrate specificity; cross-talk; ribo-some production; stress response; autophagy; nutrient sensing
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Biomolecules
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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