Title: The use of dual platform capable implantable drug delivery devices in the prevention and treatment of bacterial osteomyelitis
Abstract: The issue of chronic bacterial infection is ongoing and recurrent, despite medical advancements and doctors’ ability to offer patients creative solutions, such as the placement of temporary or permanent medical devices that significantly improve the patient’s quality of life. osteomyelitis. Osteomyelitis may develop as a result of traumatic or infected wounds or infections linked to implants. Because of insufficient treatment plans or the presence of biofilm on implanted medical devices, this bacterial infection may continue. The use of implantable medical devices that also serve as local drug delivery systems is one method to allay these worries (DDDs). By administering potent doses of antibiotics to the area of interest, this type of device has the potential to prevent or help clear chronic bacterial infection. It can also be designed to support tissue regeneration at the same time. This review will give background information on bacterial infections, current treatments for them, as well as existing and potential implantable DDDs, with a focus on local DDDs that can treat bacterial osteomyelitis.
Keywords: bacterial infection; osteomyelitis; drug delivery device; biofilm; nanotechnology; tissue regeneration; antibiotic; antimicrobial drug
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Bioengineering
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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