Title: The Tourist and Recreational Potential of Cross-Border Areas of Kazakhstan and Russia During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evaluation of the Present Situation and Potential Risks
Abstract: The growth of tourism is accompanied by a number of risks that have an effect on the potential for tourism and recreation both directly and indirectly. Along with internal risks, external environmental risks (geopolitical and epidemiological) have become more significant in recent years. One of these major risks is the COVID-19 pandemic, and its effects on the growth of local tourism call for attention. The goal of the study is to determine the potential for tourism and leisure in Kazakhstan and Russian Federation border regions as well as any potential risks related to the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the world’s longest land borders was created between Russia and Kazakhstan after the dissolution of the USSR. 12 constituent parts of the Russian Federation and 7 regions of Kazakhstan are included in the study’s geographic scope. Materials for the study included data from geographic atlases, information from statistical portals, and information from specialized executive authority websites. The scorecard method was used to estimate the tourist and recreational potential of the regions of the Russian Federation and Kazakhstan, with weight coefficients assigned to indicators included in four main clusters: natural factors, cultural and historical factors, social and economic factors, and environmental factors. and Tourism Infrastructure Support. Additionally, a summary of the experience of researching the dangers of tourism growth during the pandemic was provided. The conclusions drawn show the inconsistent organizational structure of the industry as well as the varying degrees of tourism and recreational potential in border regions between Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation. When making management decisions, it must be remembered that the COVID-19 pandemic has increased the risks to the development of tourism and recreational potential. The research’s findings can be used by authorities in border regions to modify their tourism regulations in light of current constraints and elevated global risks. The level of tourism and recreational potential will determine how territorial planning and management mechanisms and methods are applied. Participation in regional initiatives should be prioritized for areas with high and above-average potential. federal initiatives, the implementation of a diversification strategy, and the development of cluster initiatives. The domestic tourist flow, inter-regional cooperation, and competitive advantage strategy should be prioritized by regions with medium and low potential.
Keywords: tourist and recreational potential; border areas; tourism; state support measures; COVID- 19 pandemic
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Economics
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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