Title: The state of sonodelivery in skeletal muscle and its potential in the future
Abstract: Currently, a variety of methods, including electroporation, viral delivery, and direct DNA injection with or without polymeric carriers, are available to enable gene therapy via intramuscular gene delivery. While each of these approaches has advantages, they also each have drawbacks that prevent them from being deemed the best approach. Sonodelivery, also known as ultrasound-mediated gene delivery, is a promising technique that is low-cost, widely accessible, reusable, secure, and minimally invasive. Sonodelivery’s drawbacks include having to select from a wide range of conditions, many of which are frequently moderate transfection efficiencies when compared to some other gene delivery methods, depending on the apparatus and/or research team. In this review, we offer a thorough examination of the range of sonodelivery methods for intramuscular gene delivery and offer recommendations for the field’s foreseeable future.
Keywords: sonoporation; sonodelivery; ultrasound; intramuscular gene delivery; gene therapy
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Bioengineering
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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