Title: The Prostate Cancer Cellular and Molecular Immunotherapy
Abstract: Immunotherapy has recently emerged as a promising cancer treatment option. But over time, its principles have evolved, and it now includes a variety of cancer-specific immunotherapies. Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI), CART cells, virus-targeting DNA vaccines, and adoptive cellular therapy are some of the drugs being studied in clinical trials as monotherapies or in combination. According to ongoing research, the field should advance by incorporating immunotherapies that are specifically tailored for each patient, immune checkpoint blockers, additional immunotherapeutic drugs, hormone therapy, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy. Immunotherapy can intensify the therapeutic effect and improve immune responses despite markedly increasing morbidity. This study’s findings for the immunotherapy treatment of advanced prostate cancer (PCa) demonstrate that it is possible to look into the state of immunotherapy today, covering new discoveries, PCa treatment methods, and research perspectives in the field’s ongoing development.
Keywords: prostate cancer; immunotherapy; combination immunotherapy; immune check- points; biomarkers
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Biology
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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