Title: The Many Faces of Autophagy in Cell Survival and Cell Death: Life and Death Decisions
Abstract: From yeast to humans, the process of autophagy has not changed. Since autophagy’s discovery, researchers have been examining its physiological role in both cell death and survival. Autophagy plays a variety of roles in both cell survival and cell death due to its inherent capacity to sequester, deliver, and degrade cytoplasmic components. Sending cytoplasmic components to the vacuole or lysosome for degradation is the main function of autophagy. The cell controls the removal and recycling of cytoplasmic components in response to various stresses or signals by fine-tuning autophagy. Recent studies have expanded the pro-survival function of autophagy by demonstrating the implications of the autophagy machinery in other pathways other than lysosomal degradation. Additionally, autophagy aids in some types of controlled cell death. A deeper connection between autophagy and cell death is further supported by the complex interactions between autophagy and pathways that control regulated cell death and the genes that are shared between them. Last but not least, the mitochondrion provides an illustration of how a cell uses autophagy to strike a balance between cell death and survival. In this review, we take into account the most recent findings regarding the physiological role of autophagy, its regulation, and the various ways in which autophagy affects both cell survival and cell death.
Keywords: cellular homeostasis; lysosome; mitophagy; neurodegeneration; stress
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Biomolecules
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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