Title: The LXCat Project, History, Perspectives, and a Tutorial: Data Needs for Modeling Low-Temperature Non-Equilibrium Plasmas
Abstract: Today’s society is rife with non-equilibrium, low-temperature plasma-based technologies. Plasma modeling is crucial to their comprehension, creation, and improvement. To accurately describe plasma properties as a function of external parameters, an accurate description of electron and ion collisions with neutrals and their transport is necessary. For storing, exchanging, and manipulating the data required to model the electron and ion components of non-equilibrium, low-temperature plasmas, there is a platform called LXCat that is open-access and web-based. Electron- and ion-scattering cross sections with neutrals (total and differential), interaction potentials, oscillator strengths, and electron- and ion-swarm/transport parameters are among the data types supported by LXCat. Users of online tools can use the data to generate swarm parameters and reaction rates using the built-in electron Boltzmann solver, as well as to identify and compare the data through plotting routines. This review discusses the project’s historical development, some potential future directions, and a tutorial on how to use LXCat data.
Keywords: low-temperature non-equilibrium plasmas; cross-sections; Boltzmann equation; swarm parameters; electron collisions; ion collisions; mobility; diffusion; online database; open access
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Physics
Subject Category: Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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