
Research Paper on The Lifetime of Very Long-Lived Levels in Low-Charge Ions: A Lab Astrophysics Problem

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Research Paper on The Lifetime of Very Long-Lived Levels in Low-Charge Ions: A Lab Astrophysics Problem

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Title: The Lifetime of Very Long-Lived Levels in Low-Charge Ions: A Lab Astrophysics Problem

Abstract: Numerous astrophysical spectra are populated by emission lines from singly charged ions. However, the transition rates of the decays of extremely long-lived low-lying levels frequently affect how the line intensities (typically line ratios) are interpreted. In the 3s23p3 ground configuration of singly ionized sulfur (ion S+, spectrum S II), for instance, the line ratio of two electric-dipole forbidden transitions has been interpreted as a density diagnostic for planetary nebulae, that is, for densities in the order of 104 cm3. The 2Do3 and 2,5/2 levels are expected to last for about an hour. According to modeling, in this situation, a 10% uncertainty in lifetime estimation corresponds to a 50% uncertainty in density diagnostic. The theoretical lifetime predictions that are currently available differ by much more than 10%. In order to encourage a measurement of the actual level lifetimes, ideas for an experimental strategy are presented.

Keywords: atomic spectroscopy; ion trap; computations; laboratory astrophysics

Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper

Subject: Physics

Subject Category: Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics

Writer Experience: 20+ Years

Plagiarism Report: Turnitin Plagiarism Report will be less than 10%

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