Title: The Impact of Logistics Performance and Logistics Infrastructure on Economic Growth in Developing Countries: A Map
Abstract: Economic growth is significantly influenced by the efficiency of the logistics system. The current study examines the moderating impact of logistic infrastructure performance on economic growth in developing nations. In order to assess the logistical performance in the years 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, and 2018, we use the LPI index calculated by the World Bank. The 50 developing economies that are part of the current study are included, and a panel data set with 300 observations overall is gathered. The traditional Cobb-Douglas production function was used in the analysis, with labor and capital stock serving as the primary economic growth drivers. The study discovered that for developing nations with varying levels of logistics performance, the labor and capital endowments have noticeably different impacts on the elasticity coefficients. It suggests that efficient logistic infrastructure performance, or logistics performance, moderates economic growth in developing economies.
Keywords: logistic performance; logistics performance index; economic growth; higher LPI performer developing economies; low LPI performer developing economies
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Economics
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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