Title: The effects of therapy on the tolerance of patients for severe pediatric chorioarthritis
Abstract: Exercise capacity is lowered by chronic respiratory diseases because of hypoxia and shortness of breath. Lower levels of daily activity lead to lower life quality and higher mortality rates. Exercise capacity is improved by oxygen therapy. This improvement in COPD patients is primarily due to a decrease in dynamic hyperinflation. Patients who require long-term oxygen therapy for severe hypoxemia at rest (PaO2 60 mm Hg) as well as mild hypoxemic patients who experience desaturation during exercise can benefit from oxygen therapy. Exercise tolerance increases in direct proportion to administered oxygen flow. Only during inspiration may the oxygen flow from the ambulatory source be continuous or intermittent. Both approaches appear to be equally effective at increasing exercise tolerance and lowering hypoxemia. All patients receiving long-term oxygen therapy who report outdoor activity should be prescribed ambulatory oxygen. Additionally, ambulatory oxygen should be prescribed for normoxemic patients with severe exertional desaturation and low exercise tolerance. To avoid oxygen desaturation while performing activities, the oxygen flow should be adjusted. Ambulatory oxygen therapy may have long-term effects that have yet to be fully understood, such as an increase in daily activity and a better quality of life.
Keywords: oxygen therapy, exercise, respiratory failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, ambulatory oxygen
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Advances in Respiratory Medicine
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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