Title: the development of a long-term system of preferential export VAT taxation, as demonstrated by Russian Federation practice
Abstract: The application of a preferential value added tax (VAT) taxation regime to export transactions involving unauthorized tax benefit claims and tax evasion is discussed in this article. The main goal of this study is to strengthen the theoretical and methodological underpinnings for changing the Russian Federation’s system of indirect export taxation based on an analysis of legal precedents. We examined the volume of export VAT, the foreign trade statistics for the Russian Federation, and court decisions involving VAT-related tax disputes. We identified the main tactics used to apply VAT preferences illegally, including “false exports,” the addition of additional layers of intermediaries, and the use of agency services by exporting sellers, based on our analysis of the court cases. Additionally, we developed two problematic scenarios in which legitimate transactions are classified as such schemes. These two scenarios concern the reclassification of foreign service providers’ service contracts by tax authorities in order to contest the offsetting of incoming VAT amounts and the specifics of applying VAT to transactions involving the transfer of goods to foreign legal entities without payment of compensation. We recommend that certain provisions of the Russian legislation be amended with more specificity in order to reduce the number of tax disputes. The proposed innovations could have a positive impact on global trade because they would create more stable and understandable conditions for the growth of companies that offer cross-border services. The tax authorities would be able to focus on more precise and objective standards of tax compliance by Russian businesses if there were fewer disagreements based on their subjective assessment of taxpayers’ activities. This would simplify tax administration in one of the areas of tax law.
Keywords: VAT; export operations; preferential taxation; emerging economies sustainable develop- ment goals
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Economics
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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