Title: The Benefits of Plant Prebiotics in Treating Illness
Abstract: Prebiotics are organic or synthetic, indigestible (non-)carbohydrate substances that encourage the growth of gut microbial populations. The beneficial microorganisms in the large intestine use undigested fructooligosaccharides to make short-chain fatty acids for their own growth. Despite the fact that many foods are now acknowledged to have prebiotic properties, some others, including almonds, artichokes, barley, chia seeds, chicory, and dandelion greens, still don’t. Researchers are looking into using oats, flaxseeds, and garlic as functional foods. Despite the fact that some of these food products are actually used as food supplements, more attention has been paid to the applications of these prebiotics in the food and pharmaceutical industries due to their advantages in the absorption of minerals, the production of metabolites, the modulation of the gut microbiota, and the treatment of various diseases like necrotizing enterocolitis, diabetes, allergies, and metabolic disorders. In addition to discussing information about the various types, sources, modes of action, and health advantages, this review aims to highlight the potential and necessity of these prebiotics in the diet.
Keywords: prebiotics; dietary fiber; oligosaccharides; non-digestible carbohydrates; short-chain fatty acids
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Biomolecules
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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