
Research Paper on SENTIMENT COMPRESSION ANALYSIS Models for effective hardware processing from CNN

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Research Paper on SENTIMENT COMPRESSION ANALYSIS Models for effective hardware processing from CNN

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Title: SENTIMENT COMPRESSION ANALYSIS Models for effective hardware processing from CNN

Abstract: The development of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) began with the goal of classifying images. Soon after they were developed, they were used in other fields, such as natural language processing (NLP). Artificial intelligence-based solutions are now found on embedded systems and mobile devices, which places restrictions on things like memory usage and power consumption. As a result of CNN’s memory and processing demands, they must be compressed in order to be mapped to the hardware. The outcomes of compressing effective CNNs for sentiment analysis are shown in this paper. The two main steps are quantization and pruning. The method for mapping a compressed network to an FPGA is described, as well as the implementation’s outcomes. According to the simulations that were run, the network’s 5-bit width is sufficient to prevent accuracy losses when compared to the floating-point version. Additionally, a significant decrease in memory footprint (between 85 and 93% as compared to the original model) was made.

Keywords: natural language processing, convolutional neural networks, FPGA, compression

Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper

Paper type: Analysis Based Research Paper

Subject: Computer Science

Writer Experience: 20+ Years

Plagiarism Report: Turnitin Plagiarism Report will be less than 10%

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