
Research Paper on Role of a Fermi Sea across Different Spatial Dimensions and Quantum Fluctuations of a Bose Medium in Polaron Problems in Ultracold Atoms

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Research Paper on Role of a Fermi Sea across Different Spatial Dimensions and Quantum Fluctuations of a Bose Medium in Polaron Problems in Ultracold Atoms

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Title: Role of a Fermi Sea across Different Spatial Dimensions and Quantum Fluctuations of a Bose Medium in Polaron Problems in Ultracold Atoms

Abstract: Understanding how a quantum impurity behaves when submerged in and interacting with a many-body background is made easier by the concept of a polaron, which was first introduced in the context of electrons in ionic lattices. By taking into account feedback effects from polarons that can be realized in ultracold quantum gas experiments, we discuss the effects of the impurities on the medium particles. We specifically illustrate how the medium changes when Fermi or Bose polarons are present. We outline a similar many-body diagrammatic approach for Fermi polarons that operates at finite temperatures and talk about how mediated two- and three-body interactions are implemented within this framework. By changing the impurity-medium interactions and the spatial dimensions from three to one, we can use this method to analyze the behavior of the spectral function of Fermi polarons at finite temperature. We interestingly show that the spectral function of the medium atoms could be a useful quantity for studying the transition/crossover from molecules in three dimensions to attractive polarons. In terms of the Bose polaron, we show how the background Bose-Einstein condensate has been reduced around the impurity atom. For upcoming research on the quantification of interpolaron correlations in Bose polaron problems, such spatial modulations would be crucial.

Keywords: polaron; impurity; spectroscopy of quasiparticles; interpolaron correlations; quantum depletion; ultracold atoms; Bose–Einstein condensate; Fermi degenerate gases

Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper

Subject: Physics

Subject Category: Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics

Writer Experience: 20+ Years

Plagiarism Report: Turnitin Plagiarism Report will be less than 10%

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