Title: Research on wheat karnal bunt disease over the past 100 years: a review
Abstract: Tilletia indica is the culprit behind the Karnal bunt (KB), also known as partial bunt, of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) that originates in Karnal, India (Ti). From northwest India to northern India in the early 1970s, its prevalence had dramatically increased since the late 1960s. It is a soil, air, and seed-borne pathogen that primarily affects triticale, common wheat, and related species. The trimethylamine secreted by teliospores in the infected seeds causes the seeds to become inedible, viable, and infertile. The causal pathogen’s original name was Tilletia indica; Neovossia indica was given to it later. The main sources of inoculum for the smelly, black powdered spores are farmyard manure, wheat straw, and soil. The reported losses in India reached 40%, and the cumulative impact of KB on national farm income in the USA was USD 5.3 billion. In order to provide a thorough and up-to-date understanding of KB, its causal pathogen, biology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, etc., the current review draws information from literature published within the last 100 years, starting in 1909. Agronomic traits like yield, disease tolerance, and disease resistance are among the agronomic traits that next-generation sequencing (NGS) is revolutionizing. The best strategy for controlling KB is genetic resistance, which can be attained by finding genes or quantitative trait loci (QTLs). In order to understand and obtain the KB resistance locus on the wheat genome, which can be crossed with elite wheat cultivars globally for a diverse wheat breeding program, the genome-wide association studies can be applied. The review covers the latest GWAS, assembly, annotation, resistant QTL, NGS-based genomic studies, diagnostics technology landscape, and KB management. The thorough information gathered can help wheat breeders better understand disease incidence in their pursuit of high-quality crop production.
Keywords: genome; pathogen; QTL; quarantine; Tilletia indica (Ti); wheat
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Biology
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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