Title: Relationship between socioeconomic status and chronic respiratory disease
Abstract: Socioeconomic status (SES) is a measure of a person’s or family’s social or economic position or rank within a social group. It is defined as an individual’s social or economic standing. It is a sum of various measurements, including those of income, education, occupation, and residence or housing location. Lower SES has been linked in studies to unequal access to healthcare for many diseases. A similar observation has been noted in other chronic diseases, and there is emerging data in pulmonary diseases like COPD, asthma, cystic fibrosis, pulmonary hypertension, and other chronic respiratory conditions. SES is inversely correlated with COPD prevalence, mortality, healthcare spending, and HRQoL in the context of COPD. A lower SES is associated with more severe cases of asthma and cystic fibrosis as well as more hospitalizations. Similar findings were made regarding PHTN, obstructive sleep apnea, and sarcoidosis. Information on interstitial lung diseases and non-CF bronchiectasis is still scarce. Indicators of population SES include things like education level, occupation, and marital status, but nothing is more telling than income. Currently, SES’s impact on the disease process is not taken into account by recommendations or management algorithms. Despite the vast amount of data that is currently available, a standardized approach needs to be developed in order to incorporate SES into prognostic calculations and the management of chronic pulmonary diseases.
Keywords: socioeconomic status; pulmonary disease; disease severity; access to health care; chronic respiratory disease
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Advances in Respiratory Medicine
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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