Title: Regulatory Development, Future Prospects, and Enabling Trade in Gene-Edited Produce in Asia and Australasia
Abstract: Crop improvement has a lot of potential with genome- or gene-editing, abbreviated as “GEd” here. The Asia-Pacific region, which is home to more than half of the world’s expanding population, is particularly affected by this. Along with illustrations of GEd products, a brief explanation of the science of gene editing is given. International policy and regulatory environments need to be clarified if the advantages of GEd technologies are to be realized; otherwise, non-tariff trade barriers will appear. Along with pertinent definitions and the regulatory bodies in charge of them, the status of laws governing GE crop products in Asia and Australasia is described. The global regulatory environment is rapidly shifting: some nations have clear regulations, others are developing them, and some have not yet created the necessary policies. It is obvious that the GEd regulations in the area need to be harmonized or aligned; doing so will facilitate the path to market and make it possible for end users to benefit from GEd technologies.
Keywords: gene editing; genome editing; Cas9; GEd; biosafety; Asia; Australasia; Asia-Pacific;regulations; crops; path-to-market; trade; harmonization; science diplomacy
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Biology
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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