Title: Recent Developments in Electrochemical Biosensors: Uses, Issues, and Future Prospects
Abstract: Analyte concentration, a biological recognition element (biochemical receptor), is one type of biological information that electrochemical biosensors can convert into current or voltage. Electrochemical biosensors are promising diagnostic tools that can find biomarkers in bodily fluids like urine, sweat, blood, or feces. An effective biosensor is created by mixing suitable immobilization methods with efficient transducers. They have worked in the agriculture sector, the medical field, the military, plant biology research, and other fields. Large amounts of data are collected while sensing complex structures and entities, making it challenging to manually interpret all the data. Large-scale sensing data interpretation is aided by machine learning. The performance of biosensors is impacted by the presence of impurities, and machine learning aids in filtering out signals from the contaminants to achieve high sensitivity. In this review, we cover various biosensor types, their uses, and the advantages of machine learning. The problems, unfilled knowledge gaps, and solutions in the area of electrochemical biosensors are then discussed. The objective of this review is to provide scientists and engineers who are exploring the interdisciplinary field of electrochemical biosensors with a useful resource. This review also sheds light on the various electrochemical biosensor types, their uses, the significance of machine learning (ML) in biosensing, challenges, and prospects for the future.
Keywords: biosensor; electrochemical; sensitivity; amperometric; voltammetric; food quality moni-toring; machine learning
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Biology
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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