Title: Recent Developments in Biological Recycling of Plastic Wastes Made of Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET)
Abstract: One of the most widely used polyester plastics, polyethylene terephthalate (PET), is very difficult to hydrolyze in a natural setting. PET plastic can be easily molded into a variety of products that are used in a wide range of applications. PET plastic is a cheap, lightweight, and durable material. The majority of PET is used for single-use packaging, such as for disposable packaging and consumer goods. PET plastics are a useful resource in many ways, but the increase in plastic products over the past few decades has had a negative impact on the environment. Ecosystems, the safety of food, and even human health in contemporary society are all seriously threatened by the long-term risk of released PET waste in the environment. One of the most significant measures currently available to lessen these impacts is recycling. Current cleanup techniques have made an effort to lessen the negative effects of PET pollution, but they are unable to keep up with the rising levels of PET waste that are being released into the environment. In this review paper, current PET recycling techniques that enhance waste management and life cycle are discussed. These techniques can be expanded upon to reduce plastics pollution and its negative effects on human health and the environment. Enzymatic degradation of the used PET waste is a step in the biotechnological recycling of PET, which differs from conventional mechanical and chemical recycling processes. biotransformation of degraded PET monomers into chemicals with added value. By recycling waste PET or upcycling it into more valuable products with a smaller environmental impact, this strategy develops a circular PET economy.
Keywords: PET; plastic recycling; biodegradation; bioconversion; PET hydrolase;cutinase
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Bioengineering
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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