Title: Production, Characterization, and Prodigious Biopharmaceutical Applications of Microbial Fibrinolytic Enzymes as Anti-Thrombotics
Abstract: The primary cause of cardiac disorders like acute myocardial infarction, embolism, and stroke is excessive fibrin accumulation in the blood vessels, which typically results in thrombosis. Numerous techniques are used to dissolve fibrin clots and lessen thrombosis, including the use of anti-coagulants, anti-platelet medications, surgical procedures, and fibrinolytic enzymes. Due to their unfavorable side effects and high cost, microbial fibrinolytic enzymes have received much more attention in the management of cardiovascular disorders than traditional anti-thrombotic strategies. Plasminogen activators and plasmin-like proteins, which are fibrinolytic enzymes, hydrolyze thrombi with high efficacy and without causing any noticeable side effects. They can also be produced efficiently and affordably in large quantities over a short period of time. However, the search for novel fibrinolytic enzymes demands difficult purification procedures, as well as physiochemical and structural-functional characteristics that shed light on their mode of action. Furthermore, the thrombolytic potential of these strains is greatly enhanced by strain improvement and molecular technologies like cloning, overexpression, and the creation of genetically modified strains for the enhanced production of fibrinolytic enzymes. Additionally, some fibrinolytic enzymes’ unusual applications open the door for protein hydrolysis, blood pressure control, anti-microbials, detergent additives for blood stain removal, preventing dental caries, anti-inflammatory, and mucolytic expectorant agents, in addition to fibrin/thrombi. The production, biochemical/structure-function characteristics, thrombolytic potential, and other surplus applications of microbial fibrinolytic enzymes are therefore covered in this review article.
Keywords: microbial fibrinolytic enzymes; enzyme production; enzyme purification; characterisation; structural-functional attributes; thrombolytic potential; biopharmaceutical applications
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Biology
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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