Title: Pneumonia zapalenia and other infections linked to mechanical decay
Abstract: Mechanical ventilation is one of the core components of treatment for patients receiving care in the intensive care unit (ICU) (MV). Patients with severe respiratory insufficiency can exchange enough gas thanks to MV, keeping their organs and systems operating as they should. However, research from clinical and experimental settings indicates that mechanical ventilation can result in serious side effects, such as lung injury (VALI, VILI), systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS), and, in rare cases, multiple organ failure (MOF). Infectious complications of the respiratory system, such as ventilator-associated respiratory infection (VARI) and ventilator-associated pneumonia, are also linked to mechanical ventilation, particularly endotracheal intubation (VAP). The above-mentioned MV complications have a significant impact on the duration of therapy, as well as the rise in therapy costs and mortality of patients who remain in an ICU. These adverse effects of supported breathing are the driving forces behind extensive research into new biological markers of lung injury and inflammation, more sensitive and precise diagnostic tools, more effective therapeutic regimens, and preventative programs. To help pulmonologists and general practitioners better understand the issue, this article will present the most recent information on infections linked to VAP. The definition, epidemiology, pathophysiology, microbiology, diagnostics, treatment, and prevention of VAP have all been covered in basic and crucial information. Also covered was ventilator-associated tracheobronchitis (VAT).
Keywords: mechanical ventilation, pneumonia, endotracheal intubation, drug-resistance
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Advances in Respiratory Medicine
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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