
Research Paper on Plejotropowe Dziaania of Vitamin D in the Mucoviscydote

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Research Paper on Plejotropowe Dziaania of Vitamin D in the Mucoviscydote

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Title: Plejotropowe Dziaania of Vitamin D in the Mucoviscydote

Abstract: The majority of people with ras of kaukasi suffer from mukowiscydoza (CF), an autosomal recessive childhood disease. Stanow ieuleczalne zaburzenie, which affects many ukads and progresses gradually. It is caused by a mutation in the gene for the power regulation system (CFTR). The lack of reabsorbed vitamins in the tissues, particularly vitamins D, is the cause of the mukowiscydoz epidemic. This is related to persistent tusczania (causing a significant impairment of the function of the zewn-trzwydzielniczee trzustki), unsuitable exposure to the sun (due to photosensitivity caused by antibiotypics), reduced tusczow tkank, and non-use. Odkrycie obecnoci receptora vitamin D (VDR) poza ukadem kostnym uwiadomio naukowcom, e ta vitamina jest odpowiedzialna nie tylko za gospodarka mineralna, ale take za procesy immunologiczne, kondycj ukadu (CFRD). According to data from pimientos, it appears that vitamin D plays a significant role in preventing CF-related heart disease. Jej waciwa dawka pozwala zachowa w lepszej kondycji puca oraz ogranicza czsto ukadu oddechowego infekcji. Additionally, it was demonstrated that a normal level of vitamin D in the blood of patients with CF may contribute to a higher level of successful peptic ulcer therapy. Given the wide range of functions that vitamin D has, it is recommended that patients with mucoviscydoz take this vitamin in sufficient amounts in their milk. This may be achieved through routine vitamin D status monitoring and supplemental care tailored specifically to each patient.

Keywords: mukowiscydoza, witamina D, suplementacja

Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper

Subject: Advances in Respiratory Medicine

Writer Experience: 20+ Years

Plagiarism Report: Turnitin Plagiarism Report will be less than 10%

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