Title: Observing the changes made to a revised document
Abstract: By contrasting two different drafts of the same written work, we can gather information about the development of that work that we would not have had access to otherwise. However, because of their slow throughput and poor visual accessibility, present document comparison technologies frequently do not support scientific research. In this article, we offer sequence homology analysis, sometimes known as SHA, as an alternative approach for computing the differences between two texts. SHA is a technique that molecular biologists frequently utilize in order to evaluate the sequences of DNA and amino acids. As a result, it has garnered a significant amount of validation. The use of sequence homology analysis in the composition of research papers has never been done before. However, here we explain how it operates and how to comprehend it. In addition, we supply a one-of-a-kind tool that uses SHA to analyze any quantity of papers semi-automatically. Additionally, “we offer a data visualization method built on well-known network analysis ideas. Consecutive drafts of former US President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s farewell speech, a publicly accessible dataset with substantial historical value, are used to demonstrate SHA, the algorithm, and the network visualization (EFS). In this paper, we also investigate the parameterization of this method, its potential for increased automation, and its application to other fields of writing study
Keywords: Sequence homology, revision, Eisenhower, draft, plagiarism
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