Title: non-cellular tumor DNA as a biomarker for non-small cell lung carcinoma diagnosis and prognosis
Abstract: Lung cancer, which is the first most common cancer in men and the third most common in women, claims more than 1 million lives each year. The only way to achieve a long-lasting remission or even cure the disease is through early diagnosis. Unfortunately, no tumor marker has yet been found to accomplish this. Free circulating tumor DNA is one of the potential lung cancer markers. The burden of cancer appears to be related to its concentration. Additionally, it is amenable to mutational status analysis, enabling the introduction of targeted therapy. This gave rise to the concept of liquid biopsy, which can be used in situations where a traditional biopsy is impractical. Analyzing the DNA of cell-free tumors can provide information about the development and recurrence of cancer as well as provide prognostic information. This article’s goal is to review free circulating DNA as a potential indicator of lung cancer.
Keywords: free circulating DNA, liquid biopsy, lung cancer, biomarker
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Advances in Respiratory Medicine
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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