Title: New Therapeutic Prospects for Lung Cancer Treatment: Nuclear Receptor Targeting
Abstract: According to GLOBOCAN 2020, lung cancer—the second most common cancer in terms of new cases and deaths—is the leading cause of death for both men and women worldwide. It is estimated that 2.2 million new cases and 1.8 million deaths will result from lung cancer in 2020. Despite the fact that there are numerous risk factors for lung cancer pathogenesis, quitting smoking is a highly effective preventive measure. Despite decades of intensive research, mechanistic cues and targets still need to be thoroughly investigated in order to create effective diagnostics, therapies, and treatments for this condition. Nuclear receptors (NRs) act as transcription factors that regulate a variety of biological processes, including cellular development, differentiation, and metabolism. Many diseases, including cancer, have been linked to the aberrant expression of NRs. Numerous events, such as mutations, epigenetic changes, and various signaling cascades, have been linked to the deregulation of specific NRs in lung cancer. In order to prevent tumor cell growth, migration, and invasion as well as to induce apoptosis in lung cancer, significant efforts have been made to develop a number of small molecules as agonists or antagonists that are targeted at specific NRs. This makes NRs promising candidates for effective lung cancer therapeutics. The objective of the current work is to establish various small molecules as effective therapeutics to treat lung cancer. It does this by emphasizing the various small molecules (e.g., agonist or antagonist) that influence NR expression and highlighting the significance of various NRs in the development and progression of lung cancer.
Keywords: lung cancer; nuclear receptors; agonists/antagonists; biomarker; cell growth
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Biology
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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