Title: Multiple Drug Resistance and Gram-Negative Bacterial Strains Producing Extended-Spectrum -Lactamases: A Synergistic Role of Plant Extracts and Essential Oils
Abstract: Since ancient times, it has been known that plants are an important and all-natural source of treatment for a variety of illnesses thanks to the special substances they contain. The availability of various methodologies for the discovery of substances with therapeutic properties has created new opportunities for redefining plants as the best sources of novel structural types. It is cherished that plant metabolites can obstruct the growth and spread of pathogenic microbes. The production of extended-spectrum -lactamases is a remarkable tolerance mechanism that makes it difficult to treat infections brought on by Gram-negative bacteria with antibiotics and poses a significant challenge for the available antimicrobial compounds. The investigation of inventions derived from sources of plant metabolites provides support against the worry about the emergence of pathogens that are resistant. Essential oils are secondary metabolites produced by aromatic plants that are volatile, natural, complex compounds with a distinct odor. The distinctive compounds found in essential oils frequently regulate their bioactive properties. They have frequently been used for antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, antiparasitic, anti-insect, and medicinal purposes. Plant secondary metabolites known as alkaloids have been found to have potent pharmacological effects. On Pseudomonas aeruginosa, the effect of alkaloids from the leaves of Vernonia adoensis and Callistemon citrinus on bacterial growth and efflux pump activity was evaluated. When combined with other antibiotics, plant-derived chemicals may have direct antibacterial activity against bacteria as well as indirect antibacterial activity as agents that modify antibiotic resistance. A viable strategy to combat bacterial resistance is to thoroughly screen plant-derived bioactive chemicals as resistance-modifying agents, including those that can work in concert with antibiotics. To achieve a redesigned model with sustainable effects that are noticeably more pronounced in particular sites of the plants than the sum of their individual parts, the synergistic assessment studies with the plant extract/essential oil and the antibiotic compounds are crucial.
Keywords: plant extract and essential oil; pathogenic microbes; extended-spectrum β-lactamases; antimicrobial resistance; antioxidant; synergistic effect
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Antibiotics
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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