Title: Modeling the In Vitro Nervous System and Its Diseases Using Microdevices
Abstract: The reconstruction of in vitro human microenvironmental systems under physiological conditions that are highly realistic can be done by using precise microdevices. tunable temporal and spatial characteristics. Organs on a chip can mimic human physiological processes, especially at the organ level, as well as their unique physiological roles. There is still a pressing need for the creation of human brain or nervous system models due to the complexity of the central nervous system’s structure and its intercellular interactions. As a result, a variety of nervous system-on-a-chip microdevice models have been proposed to replicate real human brain physiology. The application of nervous system-on-a-chip platforms’ biomimetic features to the etiology of neurodegenerative diseases may show them to be promising technological advancements. The microdevices for the nervous system-on-a-chip platform are discussed in this article, including microfluidic designs that are biomimetic to the entire nervous system. It is also possible to create a nervous system-on-a-chip using micro-platforms that mimic both neural stem cell behavior and the behavior of neurodegenerative diseases.
Keywords: organ-on-a-chip; nervous system-on-a-chip; neuronal interaction; neurodegenerative disease; stem cell
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Bioengineering
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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