Title: Microfluidics on the Go
Abstract: Although most microfluidic systems have significantly reduced the size of a laboratory, they are still benchtop units, about the size of a desktop computer. By programming small amounts of fluids to execute a bio-protocol, microfluidics platforms can automate the work of a technician and also integrate a significant portion of laboratory equipment. This paper makes the case that achieving true mobility in microfluidics would revolutionize the field by enabling access to laboratory services while traveling or even in regular settings like sports and outdoor activities. We discuss the requirements that mobile biochips must meet as well as the current initiatives being made to achieve mobility in microfluidics. We specifically demonstrate how we customized an existing biochip for mobile use and present the outcomes from using it on a train ride. We identify the difficulties that must be overcome at the technical, usability, and social levels based on these findings and our methodical discussion. We predict the future of mobile biochips using an analogy to the development of computing. In our future, mobile biochips will revolutionize how people interact with a variety of medical procedures, such as diagnostic testing and the creation of on-demand medications.
Keywords: microfluidic biochips; mobility; healthcare
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Bioengineering
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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