Title: Mapping Online Geographic Indication: Agrifood Products on Mercosur and European Union E-Commerce Shelves
Abstract: Never in history has the market for agrifood products contained as many niches as it does now. One of the earliest methods of protecting and promoting these goods is the use of geographical indications (GIs). Despite their ancient history, there has only been a consensus on their use since the Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) agreement. Even though the GI system is structurally the same throughout the world, each region performs differently. Because of this, it is still unknown how institutions affect this market. By examining e-retail supermarkets, we aimed to compare the performance of Mercosur and the European Union in relation to GI products and categories in this exchange arena. In order to do this, we gathered information from 44 online supermarkets in both economic blocs and examined the crucial characteristics of the offered goods. Then, using graphics and economic sociology tools, we compared the two blocs. We discuss the causes of the differences in GI performance, present novel results pertaining to these differences, and look at market structure. According to our findings, the EU had a higher number of products than Mercosur and a wider selection of GI products on e-retail shelves. Furthermore, while the majority of GI products advertised in Mercosur originated primarily from abroad, the advertised goods in the EU were primarily produced domestically. This discrepancy points to the dominance of the EU’s systems, illustrative of the efficiency of its institutions as mechanisms for the development of trade and commerce. There were only a few categories and registers found in both blocs, though.
Keywords: economic sociology; geographical indication; European Union; Mercosur; market arena; e-retail; comparative approach
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Economics
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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