
Research paper on Leishmania metabolic pathways: a source of relevant drug targets and powerful drug candidates

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Research paper on Leishmania metabolic pathways: a source of relevant drug targets and powerful drug candidates

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Title: Leishmania metabolic pathways: a source of relevant drug targets and powerful drug candidates

Abstract: Tropical disease called leishmaniasis is brought on by the protozoan parasite Leishmania, which is spread by infected female sandflies. Chemotherapy is the mainstay of leishmaniasis treatment at the moment. The currently available leishmaniasis medications are expensive, toxic, have a variety of side effects, and have restrictions on how they should be administered. The potency of anti-leishmanial medications has been significantly diminished by the quick emergence of drug resistance. A novel anti-leishmanial drug with high potency, low cost, acceptable toxicity, and good pharmacokinetics features is urgently needed as a result. Drug repurposing is a useful strategy for accelerating the development of effective anti-leishmanial by pointing to new drug targets in less time, having low costs, and having low risk due to the availability of preclinical data. Leishmania species grow and proliferate during different stages of their life cycle in large part due to the parasite’s metabolic pathways. Based on available genomics/proteomics data, known drugs that were used to treat other diseases could target Leishmania-specific proteins via known pathways (sterol biosynthetic pathway, purine salvage pathway, glycolysis, GPI biosynthesis, hypusine, polyamine biosynthesis), leading to the discovery of new, promising anti-leishmanial therapeutics. The current review discusses various metabolic pathways used by the Leishmania parasite as well as some potential future leishmaniasis treatments that effectively target these pathways.

Keywords: Leishmania; human pathogen; targeting metabolic pathways; repurposed drugs; new anti-leishmanials

Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper

Subject: Biology

Writer Experience: 20+ Years

Plagiarism Report: Turnitin Plagiarism Report will be less than 10%

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