Title: Large-Area Ordered Palladium Nanostructures for Hydrogen Sensing by Colloidal Lithography
Abstract: For the detection and storage of hydrogen (H2) gas, reliable gas sensors are crucial. Palladium (Pd)-based detection techniques are widely researched and economical. When Pd is exposed to H2, it transforms into palladium hydride, which has altered optical properties and can be used to detect H2. Here, using colloidal lithography, we created large-area Pd nanostructures, such as Pd nanotriangles and nanohole arrays, and systematically evaluated their H2-sensing capabilities. Both the Pd nanoholes and nanotriangles demonstrated distinct transmittance changes in the visible-near infrared range after hydrogen absorption, which was consistent with the findings of numerical simulations. As different structural parameters can affect the two structures’ ability to detect hydrogen, the effects of the structural parameters (period of the array P and diameter of the nanohole D) are further investigated. Greater transmittance changes were seen in the nanohole arrays than in the nanotriangle arrays.
Keywords: palladium; hydrogen sensing; colloidal lithography; nanohole; surface plasmon
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Chemistry
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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