Title: Japan’s long-term oxygen therapy: a history, a current state, and current issues
Abstract: Long-term oxygen therapy (LTOT) development in Japan has historically been characterized by cooperation between academic institutions, government officials, and business entities. Since 1985, the cost of LTOT has been covered by the public health insurance program. The Denver group led by Thomas Petty enthusiastically carried out LTOT’s public implementation and promoted the idea of pulmonary rehabilitation for LTOT processing. Although primary lung tuberculosis or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease were initially the target diseases of LTOT in Japan, it was soon used to treat cardiac diseases as well as other pulmonary illnesses. The political transition from traditional hospital-based care to home care has been made in tandem with rising medical costs for geriatric patients, with two goals in mind: to improve patient quality of life and to lower medical costs. LTOT is currently essential to the effective delivery of elderly patients’ home respiratory care. This also encourages teamwork, thorough pulmonary rehabilitation, and close coordination between primary care and hospitals. There are currently more than 150,000 patients using LTOT in total. After examining the findings of surveys conducted among patients with respiratory failure, the administration in Japan decided to implement LTOT as a national system, which led to improvements in medical care. The recent great earthquake in East Japan revealed, however, that many unresolved issues still exist for these patients, and these concerns are very serious.
Keywords: home respiratory care, chronic respiratory failure, home oxygen therapy, elderly patients
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Advances in Respiratory Medicine
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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