Title: Ions that are similar to beryllium but are excited twice and have screened Coulomb Potentials
Abstract: By calculating the density of resonance states within the stabilization method framework, it was possible to investigate the screening effects of the interaction potentials on the lowest 1S doubly-excited state of beryllium-like ions. Static and exponential cosine screened Coulomb potentials, two different types of screened interaction potentials, were taken into account. The interaction between the core and outer electrons was described using a model potential, and the Be-like ions were treated as three-body systems in essence. Calculations for Be and B+ were made. Four doubly-excited states of B+ and one doubly-excited state of Be that were above the 1s2 2p threshold could both have their energies and widths calculated. With different screening parameters, it was discovered that the behavior of the width underwent significant changes. This investigation into the doubly-excited states of Be-like ions in screened environments is, as far as we know, the first calculation of its kind to be published in the literature.
Keywords: beryllium-like ions; screened potentials; doubly-excited states; resonance; stabilizationmethod
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Physics
Subject Category: Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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