Title: Industrial Revolution in Transportation: Promoting Technological Innovation through Intellectual Capital
Abstract: Investigating intellectual capital as a catalyst for technological innovation in light of the industrial revolution in Russia’s transportation industry is the goal of this study. The need to comprehend the advancements made in the sector was demonstrated by the study, which was motivated by recent technological developments in Russia’s transportation sector and the enormous economic importance of the sector to the economy. Utilizing primary data gathered from respondents holding managerial positions in businesses engaged in the transportation sector, the study was conducted. Data were gathered using a structured, closed-ended questionnaire with a total of 455 respondents. The fields of structural, social, human, and relational capital were taken into consideration. While SEM was used to test the study hypotheses, CFA, reliability, and validity tests were used to assess the model. According to the findings, technological innovation in the Russian transportation sector is significantly and favorably influenced by structural capital, social capital, human capital, and relational capital. It was discovered that human and social capital had the biggest impact. According to the study, firms should take into account both social and human capital when implementing technological innovation. Social capital includes things like effective communication, the established mechanisms of coordination and communications within the organization, human ties, trust, and relationships. Human capital also includes things like specialized knowledge, skills, expertise, experiences, and abilities embedded within organizations’ personnel. They should also increase their ability to absorb technology.
Keywords: intellectual capital; technological innovation; structural capital; social capital; human capital; relational capital
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Economics
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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