Title: Impact of Leadership Behavior on Entrepreneurship in State-Owned Businesses: Evidence from Civil Service Management Intended to Improve Accountability
Abstract: This paper organizes the theoretical foundation and empirical evidence of the impact of leadership behavior on entrepreneurship in state-owned enterprises, as well as the distinction between state-owned enterprises that applied accountability-based leadership management and those that did not. Using data from a survey of 259 civil servants in Vietnamese state-owned enterprises, this study applies the OLS regression model to determine the influence of leadership behavior on the entrepreneurial spirit of state-owned enterprises. In our sample, 109 respondents were state-owned enterprises that did not apply accountability-based management, while 140 respondents were state-owned enterprises that did apply accountability-based management. The findings indicate that leadership behavior has a positive effect on the entrepreneurial behavior of state-owned enterprises that apply accountability-based management and those that do not, with respective results of 0.305 and 0.022. In addition, the regression model is used to identify the factors that influence leadership behavior, such as vision and wage policy, which have a statistically significant and positive impact on the leadership behaviors in all state-owned enterprises. In addition, policy development, high-tech utilization, culture, teamwork, and training policies have positive effects on leadership behavior in Model 1, while encouragement, monitoring, responsibility, and recruitment policies had positive effects in Model 2 among state enterprises. In addition, this paper suggests policies to promote leadership behavior in Vietnam’s state-owned enterprises.
Keywords: leadership behavior; entrepreneurship; Vietnamese state-owned enterprises; civil serv- ants; accountability
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Economics
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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