Title: How a word processor affects students with learning disabilities as a form of accommodation
Abstract: College students with and without learning difficulties were represented in the sample that was used to evaluate the influence that using a word processor or writing by hand had on students’ academic accomplishments. In this study, college students were selected from both categories. Those who did not have learning problems were required to write their papers by hand, whereas students with learning disabilities were given the task of using a word processor (LD). Every student was required to turn in not one but two essays, one prepared in the MLA format and the other in the APA style. When reviewing the papers and looking at how well they were written, we also considered how long they were. There was no detectable difference between the groups regarding age, gender, ethnicity; mathematical calculation; writing fluency; essay length or quality; or writing length. Moreover, there was no discernible difference between the groups regarding writing length. Similarly, there did not appear to be any obvious variation between the groups’ writing lengths. The “interaction hypothesis” was not verified because students who struggled with learning issues did not benefit significantly from using a word processor as an accommodation for their writing. This was done to test whether or not students with learning issues could benefit significantly from using the accommodation. This was the most important conclusion reached by the research. During the inquiry, this was one of the concepts that were looked into more detail than the others (LD). Both groups’ writings were substantially longer when they were given the WP condition to complete than the HW condition, which resulted in the longer essays. Both groups’ participation in the WP condition resulted from this finding. The length of the essay served as the most reliable predictor of the overall quality of the work. This was true even though the author’s preferred writing style did not affect the accuracy of this prediction. The vast majority of students in each of the groups elected to make use of the WP format. This was the case regardless of the topic being discussed. Surprisingly, students with learning disabilities spent a lower percentage of the time allotted for writing (72 per cent) than those in the group of students who did not have learning disabilities. These results were compared to students in the group of students who did not have learning disabilities (91 per cent).
Keywords: During this meeting, we are going to talk about a wide range of subjects, some of which are going to include writing, word processors, college students, children who have learning issues, and accommodations.
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