Title: High-charged Yttrium’s Extreme Ultraviolet Transitions: Identification and Plasma Diagnostics Study
Abstract: A flat-field grazing-incidence spectrometer was used to observe the extreme ultraviolet spectra of the L-shell ions of highly charged yttrium (Y26+-Y36+) in the electron beam ion trap of the National Institute of Standards and Technology in the wavelength range of 4 nm–20 nm. Systematically varying the electron beam energy from 2.3 keV to 6.0 keV allowed for the selective production of various ionization stages. Using thorough collisional-radiative (CR) modeling of the non-Maxwellian plasma, 59 spectral lines corresponding to Dn = 0 transitions within the n = 2 and n = 3 shells have been discovered. The wavelength determinations’ uncertainties fell between 0.0004 nm and 0.0020 nm. The Na-like D lines, 3s-3p1/2 and 3s-3p3/2, as well as the Li-like resonance lines 2s-2p1/2 and 2s-2p3/2, have been measured and their results compared to earlier measurements and calculations. By using large-scale CR calculations with 1.5 million transitions, forbidden magnetic dipole (M1) transitions were found and examined for their potential use in plasma diagnostics. Since many line ratios were found to strongly depend on electron density, they could be used to diagnose hot plasmas, especially in fusion devices.
Keywords: highly charged ions; yttrium; spectroscopy; extreme ultraviolet; Li-like; Na-like; magnetic dipole; plasma diagnostics; electron beam ion trap; non-Maxwellian plasma
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Physics
Subject Category: Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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