Title: Global warming effects of inhalers used in the treatment of respiratory diseases
Abstract: The release of greenhouse gases into the environment as a result of human activity is referred to as leaving a “carbon footprint.” Medical aerosols make up only 0.03% of the total emissions from the healthcare industry, which is responsible for 5-8% of the value of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. In order to implement the presumptions of international law, Poland and the respective nations should take responsibility for reducing greenhouse gases, including those generated during the manufacture and use of pharmaceuticals and medical devices. This obligation is related to the need for exercising due diligence when providing medical services, which includes choosing low-emission medical products and devices (such as inhalers) and educating patients on how to handle used products and devices, with a focus on those that involve greenhouse gas emissions. The largest carbon footprint is shown by pressurized metered dose inhalers (pMDI) containing the hydrofluoroalkane 134a, followed by metered dose liquid inhalers and dry powder inhalers (DPI). When using a particular drug, DPI has a 13–32 times smaller carbon footprint than the corresponding pMDI. One of the most efficient ways to reduce the carbon footprint of inhalers is to switch from pMDI to DPI, and this switch should be based on the most recent medical research. All inhalers must be recycled, and this needs to happen immediately.
Keywords: carbon footprint, global warming potential, pressurized metered dose inhaler, hydrofluoroalkane, dry powder inhaler, inhalation therapy
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Advances in Respiratory Medicine
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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