Title: Function of Thrombin in Damage and Disease of the Central Nervous System
Abstract: A member of the chymotrypsin family of allosteric serine proteases, thrombin is involved in cell protection, apoptosis, inflammation, and coagulation. The function of thrombin in the brain has been studied more and more. Low levels of thrombin have neuroprotective effects, whereas high levels have pathological ones. It is necessary to pay more attention to how thrombin is involved in both healthy and pathological central nervous system processes. In this review, we look at the mechanisms thrombin uses to act, where it is located, and what it does in the central nervous system. We also discuss how thrombin affects conditions like epilepsy, traumatic brain injury, primary central nervous system tumors, neurodegenerative diseases, intracerebral hemorrhage, and stroke. Our goal is to completely describe thrombin’s function in neurological injury and disease.
Keywords: blood–brain barrier; glioblastoma; neurodegenerative diseases; neuroinflammation; protease-activated receptor; prothrombin; TBI; thrombin
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Biomolecules
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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