Title: For finite non-Abelian groups, some topological indices of non-commuting graphs
Abstract: The fundamental structural characteristics of a suggested molecule are represented by a topological index, which is a number derived from a molecular structure (i.e., a graph). Physicochemical activity, chemical activity, and thermodynamic properties can all be determined using a variety of topological indices, such as the atom-bond connectivity index, the geometric-arithmetic index, and the Randi’c index. A finite group’s non-central elements make up the vertex set of the non-commuting graph (GG), which is a graph where two different elements are edge connected when they do not commute in G. The Harary index, the harmonic index, the Randi’c index, the reciprocal Wiener index, the atomic-bond connectivity index, and the geometric-arithmetic index are some of the topological properties of non-commuting graphs of finite groups that are examined in this article. The Hosoya characteristics, including the Hosoya polynomial and the reciprocal status Hosoya polynomial of the non-commuting graphs over finite subgroups of SL, are also examined (2,C). The Hosoya index is then determined for binary dihedral group non-commuting graphs.
Keywords: non-commuting graphs; molecular structure; finite groups; topological index; Hosoya polynomial
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Chemistry
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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