Title: Financial Elements That Influence How Lithuanian Business Companies Invest
Abstract: The purpose of the article is to identify and assess the financial factors affecting Lithuanian companies’ investment behavior. The article provides a concise review and summary of earlier studies that offer in-depth proof of the financial factors that affect a firm’s investment behavior. Factor analysis and correlation-regression are used to conduct the study. The research involved sixteen Lithuanian joint-stock companies whose shares are listed on the Nasdaq Baltic stock exchange and whose primary business is unrelated to financial instruments. Additionally, 58 companies (32 on the official list and 26 on an additional list) are listed on the Nasdaq Baltic stock exchange. In both lists, there are only 26 Lithuanian joint-stock companies. 16 Lithuanian companies with operations unrelated to financial instruments were chosen from the 26 listed on this stock exchange. The study’s findings offered convincing proof that a company’s financial assets have a positive impact on its capital and overall profitability, showing that Lithuanian businesses with higher profitability invest in financial instruments more frequently than those with borrowed money and more stringent financial restrictions. It can be assumed that this is related to cognitive factors and heuristics because the study revealed that Lithuanian companies’ performance indicators have a weak influence on the size of their financial assets.
Keywords: financial markets; investments behavior; financial decisions; investments
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Economics
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
Plagiarism Report: Turnitin Plagiarism Report will be less than 10%
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