Title: Engineered scaffolds and stem cells for regenerative wound healing
Abstract: Any breakdown in the biological pathways that are involved in the normal wound healing process causes the wound to become chronic. Wounds that do not heal are a strain on healthcare systems that is expected to grow with the aging population and rising rates of diabetes and obesity. Although stem cell-based therapies have had limited success in the clinic thus far, they have the potential to treat chronic wounds. In order to increase these stem cells’ survival and paracrine activity, which would eventually aid in the promotion of wound healing, current research has been concentrated on the use of polymeric biomaterial systems that can serve as a niche for these cells. Additionally, various modification techniques have been created to enhance stem cell survival and differentiation, ultimately encouraging regenerative wound healing. This review focuses on cutting-edge polymeric scaffolds that have been tested for their effectiveness in preclinical animal models of wounds and used to deliver stem cells.
Keywords: chronic wound; scaffold; natural polymer; synthetic polymer; stem cell; surface modification
Paper Quality: SCOPUS / Web of Science Level Research Paper
Subject: Bioengineering
Writer Experience: 20+ Years
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