Title: Effects of collaborative writing and discussion on learning and self-efficacy beliefs in vocational education
Abstract: The vast majority of career opportunities in the field of education involve a combination of academic study and practical work experience. “In practice, however, vocational education students typically have difficulty integrating the formal, explicit knowledge they are taught in school with the informal, implicit knowledge they pick up on the job. This is because formal knowledge is more easily transferable than implicit knowledge. In principle, switching back and forth between these two settings affords the finest opportunities for educational growth. Within the context of this design project, we investigate how writing and collaborative learning among peers have the potential to act as mediating instruments that can improve the articulation of both conceptual and experiential knowledge. Forty-first- and second-year students at a school for social and health care assistants wrote about challenging job conditions, shared them with their classmates, and conducted written and verbal interactions with professors and colleagues. The students also shared their writings.” This initiative made use of Wiki, a web-based platform that enables collaborative authoring, to encourage authorship and participant interaction. According to the findings, first-year students had much firmer self-efficacy beliefs. They performed significantly better on a case-based competence evaluation than second-year students did. In addition, every student expressed their entire contentment with the educational setting, particularly with the portion of it that required their active participation. Throughout the conversation, the concept of assisting students in communicating their conceptual and practical knowledge by encouraging them to take part in learning activities that emphasize writing and are evaluated by their classmates is brought up, along with a few concerns and some recommendations.
Keywords: vocational education and training, written peer feedback, computer-supported collaborative learning, self-efficacy
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